How to own property

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How you own property affects tax treatment at purchase, throughout your ownership, on disposal, and when you die – so you need to get it right

Be aware that what’s right today, may not be right tomorrow. Things change, regularly, and you need property tax experts with you, throughout your property journey

You need to know that our team of Chartered Tax Advisors specialise in property tax, it’s what we do, and it’s all we do

Depending on what you want to achieve, there are options but let’s have a look at three of the most common ones:

Personal ownership

This is the most common way of owning UK property. It’s simple, straightforward and works for lots of people

Your properties are subject to Capital Gains Tax when you sell them, unless it’s your Principle Private Residence (your home)

Property that you own personally is subject to Inheritance Tax when you die

Property owned through a Limited Liability Company

In recent years there’s been a shift towards buying investment property through companies, primarily driven by changes to mortgage tax relief rules

Companies can treat mortgage-interest as a cost, and Corporation Tax and Dividend Tax rates are lower than Income Tax for higher-rate taxpayers

If you invest in property via a company it will pay corporation tax on your profits. The rate is currently 19 per cent, but is set to rise to 25 per cent in 2023.

You will still be taxed if you want to access your rental income, either via Income Tax on the salary you pay yourself, or tax on Dividend payments

Property owned via a Limited Liability Partnership

A property LLP can work well for families and where individuals want to group together to hold property, while sharing risk and expertise 

It’s a hybrid between a company and a traditional partnership, which offers the advantage of limited liability and, like a traditional partnership, provides flexibility to share profits between partners 

It’s transparent for tax purposes which means each partner pays tax on their share of the profits

More options

For professional property owners there are more options to consider

Properly structured, tax and associated planning, enabled by UK legislation, likely will allow you to mitigate most Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax problems

Wherever you are on your property journey, our team of property tax experts would like to help you

We’re good with start-ups, we like helping with one-off property decisions and growing portfolios but the sweet-spot for our team of Chartered Tax Advisors is difficult and complex property tax problems

Whether you’ve exhausted the technical ability of your existing team , or you just want to look at legitimate alternatives, let’s talk

 Benefits of joint-ownership

Jointly owning property with one or more others can be very beneficial for tax purposes

Here’s some of the benefits:

They’re available on a per-person basis and you don’t even have to be married:


If your existing advisor is claiming all of those for you then you likely don’t need us

Maybe you need to check because this is how much is at stake for joint owners:

So, here’s the thing

You now know how much tax-saving is at stake for couples. For multiple owners, there could be even more

You’ve already got all that you need to assess the job your existing advisor is doing for you

It’s all about who you plan with..

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